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According to Yoga philosophy, sex is a very natural function, extremely necessary in an affectionate relationship and also vital for the persistence of the human race on the earth. A branch of yoga called Kundalini Yoga is specifically concentrated about sex and asana for harnessing the sexual power. Yoga through its various asanas and breathing techniques help one redefine one's sexual life. It is also very necessary in relieving stress and relaxing one's body, preparing one for a healthy sexual life and relationship. Read on to explore more…

How Is Yoga Beneficial In Your Sex Life?
Yoga is very beneficial in improving your sex life. Here are few reasons…

Improved sensitivity
Yoga helps in improving one's sensitivity. Its breathing exercises help a person overcome his anxiety and participate in sex with a fresh vigor. When a person is relieved from tension and stress, he/she will actively participate in sexual activity. Other than this yoga helps in improving better understanding of self and surrounding leaving a person more understanding and emphatic about other's need.

Better orgasms
Yoga helps in achieving better orgasms. Most importantly, it helps in a strengthening one's pelvic floor muscles and sex organs. Several Yoga asana are also helpful in harnessing better sexual powers. As Yoga also helps in relieving stress, it also enables to liberate muscle strain, which in turn helps in gaining flexibility.

Enhanced energy level
Yoga is very helpful in accumulating energy. Several yoga asana are extremely beneficial for energy harnessing as well as gaining more endurance and fortitude. Body with endurance can retain long in sexual activity without getting tired. Thus yoga provides one with more energy to deal with sexual activities.

Improved Fitness Level
Yoga makes one feel more active and fit. It also makes one aware of his potential capacity. Apart from giving vigor and endurance, it helps in improving posture coordination and balance. The muscles are also greatly toned during yoga and respond more positively during intercourse leaving a better experience with sex.

Knowing And Experimenting More Positions
Yoga helps in knowing about several sex positions. However many of them can't be performed with a stiff and flabby body. Later toned muscles and flexible body achieved through yoga help you experiment with these positions also.

Yoga asana beneficial for sex
Lotus posture
Uddiyana Bandha
Supine Pelvic Posture.
Viprita Karani