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Men are supposed to be strong and goal oriented and to identify physically and mentally with sports. But what many men discover is that the stereotype of a strong, independent male is very isolating and doesn't really work. They begin to look inward and begin to move toward relationships with themselves and with others.

Yoga is all about relationships between the body and the breath, the muscles and the skeletal structure, between your physical self and your emotions, your mind and your body, yourself and your community. It gives men permission to stop and listen to their inner voice. Since men are more into sports and other physical activities, practicing Asanas will help offset any physical irregularities that they may acquire from such tasks. Like in sports such as golf or tennis, there is a tendency that some muscles are used more than their respective symmetrical counterparts (i.e. right and left arms, legs, etc.) Asanas help by loosening tightness in the muscles, bringing the body back into its natural alignment.oga brings the body back into balance, into its natural alignment.

Yoga, with its full spectrum of poses-prone, supine, backward bending, forward bending-can teach someone where imbalances and physical weaknesses are and can help strengthen the body. Yoga can help enhance an athlete's performance in his sport by teaching how to breathe properly, how to relax and how to gain flexibility.