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“Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work or worship or psychic control, or philosophy – by or more or all of these and be free. This is the whole of religion.”

-Swamy Viviekanada.

There are altogether 40 types of yoga. They are:

1.Abhava – Yoga: The unitive discipline of nonbeing, meaning the higher yogic practice of immersion into the self without objective support such as mantras; a concept found in the puranas of Bhava-Yoga.
2.Adhyatma – Yoga: The unitive discipline of inner self; sometimes said to be the Yoga characteristic of the Upanishad.
3.Agni-Yoga: The unitive discipline of fire, causing the awakening of the serpent power (Kundalini-Shakti) through the joint action of mind (manas) and life force (prana).
4.Ashtanga-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the eight limbs, i.e. Raja-Yoga or Patanjali-Yoga.
5.Asparsha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of “’nonconductor”, which is the npndualist Yoga propounded by Gaundapada in his Mandukya-Karika; cf.Sparsha-Yoga.
6.Bhakti-Yoga: The unitive discipline of Love/devotion, as expounded, for instance, in the Bhagavad-Gita, the Bhagavata-Purana, and numerous other scriptures of Shaivism and Vaishnavism.
7.Buddhi-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the higher mind, first mentioned in the Bhagavad-Gita.
8.Dhyana-Yoga: The unitive discipline of meditation.
9.Ghatastha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the “pot” (ghata), meaning the body; a synonym for Hatha-Yoga mentioned in the Gheranda-Samhita.
10.Guru-Yoga: The unitive discipline relative to one’s teacher.
11.Hatha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the force (meaning the srpernt power or Kundalini-sakti), or forceful unitive discipline.
12.Hiranyagarbha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of Hiranyagarbha (Golden Germ) who is considered the original founder of the Yoga tradition.
13.Jaba-Yoga: The unitive discipline of mantra recitation.
14.Jnana-Yoga: The unitive discipline of discriminating wisdom, which is the approach of the Upanishad.
15.Karma-Yoga: The unitive discipline of self-transcendent action, as first explicitly taught in the Bhagavad-Gita.
16.Kaula-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the Kaula School, a Tantric Yoga.
17.Kriya-Yoga: The unitive discipline of ritual ; also the combined practice of asceticism (tapas), study (svadhyaya), and worship of the Lord (ishvara –pranidhana) mentioned in the Yoga-sutra of Patanjali.
18.Kundalini-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the serpent power (kundalini –sakti), which is fundamental to the Tantric tradition, including Hatha-Yoga.
19.Lambika-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the “hanger”, meaning the uvula, which is deliberately stimulated in this yogic approach to increase the flow of “nectat” (amrita) whose external aspect is saliva.
20.Laya-Yoga: The unitive discipline of absorption of dissolution of the elements prior to their natural dissolution at death.
21.Maha-Yoga: The great unitive discipline, a concept found in the Ypga-shikha-Upanishad where it refers to the combined practice of Mantra-Yoga, laya-Yoga, Hatha-Yoga, and Raja-Yoga.
22.Mantra-Yoga: The unitive disciplines of numinous sounds that help protect the mind, which has been a part of the Yoga tradition ever since Vedic times.
23.Nada-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the inner sound, a practices closely associated with original Hatha-Yoga.
24. Pancadashanga-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the fifteen limbs (panchadashaanga): 1. moral discipline (yama), 2. restraint (niyama), 3. renunciation (tyaga), 4. silence (mauna), 5. right place (desha), 6. right time (kala), 7. posture (asana), 8. root lock (mula-bandha), 9. bodily equilibrium (dshasamya), 10. stability of vision (dhrik-sthiti), 11. control of the life force (prana-samrodha), 12. sensory inhibition (pratyahara), 13. concentration (dharana), 14. meditation upon the self (atma-dhyana) and 14. ecstasy (Samadhi).
25.Pashupata-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the Pashupata sect, as expounded in some the Puranas.
26.Patanjali-Yoga: The unitive discipline of Patanjali, better known as Raja-Yoga or Yoga-Darshana.
27.Purna-Yoga: The unitive discipline of wholeness or integration, which is the name of Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga.
28.Raja-Yoga: The royal unitive discipline, also called Patanjali-Yoga, Ashtanga-Yoga, or Raja-Yoga.
29.Samadhi-Yoga: The unitive discipline of ecstasy.
30.Samkhya-Yoga: The unitive discipline of insight, which is the name of certain liberation teaching and schools refered to in the Mahabharata.
31.Samnyasa-Yoga: The unitive discipline of renunciation, which is constrasted against Karma-Yoga in the Bhagavat-Gita.
32.Samputa-Yoga: The unitive discipline of sexual congress (maithuna) in Tantra-Yoga.
33.Samrambha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of hatred, as mentioned in the Vishnu-Purana, which illustrates the profound yogic principle that one becomes what one constantly contemplates (even if charged with negative emotions)
34.Saptanga-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the seven limbs (sapta-anga), also known as Sapta-sadhana in the Cheranda-Samhita 1. Six purificatory practices (shat-karma), 2. Posture (asana), 3.seal (mudra), 4. Sensory inhibition (pratyahara), 5. Breathe control (pranayama), 6. Meditation (dhyana) and 7. Ecstasy (Samadhi).
35.Shadanga-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the six limbs (Shad-anga), as expounded in the Maitrayaniya-Upanishad: 1. breathe control (pranayama), 2. Sensory inhibition (pratyahara), 3. Meditation (dhyana), 4. Concentration (dharana), 5 examination (tarka) and ecstasy (Samadhi).
36.Siddha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of adepts, a concepts found in some of the Tantras.
37.Sparsha-Yoga: The unitive discipline of contact; a Vedantic Yoga mentioned in the Shiva-Purana, which combines mantra recitation with breath control; cf. Asparsha-Yoga.
38.Tantra-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the Tantras, a Kundalini-based Yoga.
39.Taraka-Yoga: The unitive discipline of the “deliverer” (taraka), a medieval Yoga based on light phenomena.
40.Yantra-Yoga: The unitive discipline of focusing the mind upon geometric representrations (yantra) of the cosmos.
According to the scriptures, Yoga is mainly classified in various systems of branches. They are:

•Jnana Yoga - Union by Knowledge
•Bhakthi Yoga - Union by Love and Devotion
•Karma Yoga - Union by Action and Service
•Raja Yoga - Union by Mental Mastery – the path of will
•Hatha Yoga - Union by Bodily Mastery (Principally of breath)
•Mantra Yoga - Union by Voice and Sound
•Yantra Yoga - Vision and Form
•Laya and Kundalini - Union by Arousal of Latent Psychic Yoga
•Tantric Yoga - A general form for the Physiological discipline. Also union by harnessing sexual energy.